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Thursday, June 27, 2024

You are working in a manufacturing unit. Your co-workers harassed you number of times during work hours Write a letter to the HR department of your company in 150-200 words and mention about

You are working in a manufacturing unit. Your co-workers harassed you number of times during work hours Write a letter to the HR department of your company in 150-200 words and mention about 

Who harassed you and their relationship with you 

When each instance occurred – date, time and location 

What tangible evidence do you have of the situation.

Dear sir,

I am being subjected to torment because of my colleagues: Mr. Joan, my associate manager along with his friends Mr. Lee and Mrs. Smith keeps mocking me every time we cross each other which is making my life miserable. So, I request your intervention in this matter.

I would like to brief you about the incident that took place on 1st July, during lunch hours in the cafeteria. On that day, I was forced to change my seat by these people due to being mocked at, because of my dark skin complexion and on the grounds of different nationality. They passed demeaning comments and the entire staff was smirking. I felt so belittled and burst into tears.

There are several such incidents, which are affecting my reputation and productivity at work. You can verify this immoral act by watching the camera recording of the above mentioned time and date. Also, you may confirm it from the hospitality staff of that floor.
Looking forward to your supporting response.
Thanking you

Yours sincerely,

Paul Drinkwater

City council is planning to pull down one of the historic buildings in your town

 City council is planning to pull down one of the historic buildings in your town, because they do not have funds to renovate it. As a citizen, you don’t want it to happen. Write a letter to the city council and say


– What is the importance of the building?

– Why should it be renovated?

– Suggest a plan to raise funds and maintain the building in the future.

City council is planning to pull down one of the historic buildings in your town

Dear Sir,

I am requesting you to reconsider your decision to demolish the old-age centenary Public Library, an invaluable legacy,  constructed in the colonial period due to the dearth of finances for refurbishment. 

This is one of the ancient structures which is regarded as the hub of reference material. It has been expanding its services as a centre for the dissemination of knowledge, information and culture. Moreover, it acts as a robust organisation to promote intellectual pursuits and create community rapport among its readers. The facade with a huge door and the shape of the building reminds us of the by-gone era and attracts scholars too.

I understand that the structure of the edifice has worn out over time and needs restoration. I have approached several people who can make some contribution for the renovation process. Likewise, a nominal entry fee would help to generate revenue for its incessant upkeep.

Therefore, I hope you will roll back your decision to dismantle this landmark.


Thank you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully     

Avpreet Kaur